Tuesday 24 March 2009

Dannnnniiii Minnooogue

What? A blog?
Stop being so self obsessed. With yourself. Self obsessed with yourself!
The other day I was on (my favourite silly boys) Adam & Joe's show on BBC 6 Music.

James mentioned that we have a radio show on Resonance FM (every Sunday 3pm Resonancefm.com - from 17 May). Well, I was ahead of the game. I had my own radio show when I was 11 years old! it was only for myself and my family but it was the best radio show in the world! Just very hard to pick up through a tape player.

I sent some of it in to Adam and Joe and they liked it - here's a video recording that someone then did of it on YouTube. I don't even know who made this! Shhh, Naomi x

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